The upcoming Biennial General Meeting (BGM) of the South African Society for Engineering Education (SASEE) will take place on Wednesday, 14 June 2017, 10h00 during our upcoming conference, SASEE 2017, the 4th biennial conference on engineering education in South Africa at the Cape Town Lodge, Buitengracht Street, Cape Town.
The minutes of the previous meetings can be found here:
1. BGM at SASEE 2015
2. Special BGM at AEEA 2016
We invite you to nominate fellow members for positions to the board of the South Africa Society of Engineering Education (SASEE) for the upcoming term 2017-2019. Voting will take place by secret ballot at the BGM. Please find the nomination form with instructions here. Please note the DEADLINE for submission of nominations is Monday, 12th of June 2017 by email or post (nominations must reach us by this date). Hand delivered nominations will be accepted during the first day of the conference, Tuesday, 13th of June 2017, at the conference venue.
Please note that our constitution states general nominations of board positions, with the board then identifying specific portfolios for each board member once they have been voted in. The only specified nominated position then would be for President.