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SASEE 2017 – Registration

Registration information, terms and conditions

Welcome to the online registration for SASEE 2017.  Please note that all persons intending to attend the Conference must register, including Invited Speakers and Delegates.

Please read through the below information carefully before you complete your online registration.  

(Click here to access the online registration portal.)

Critical dates

Registration and payment opens 27 March 2017
Early Bird closes 27 April 2017
Pre-registration and payment closes 27 May 2017

Registration costs

ALL fees include pre-conference workshops, conference, dinner and welcome function (except Day Delegate fees). All registration fees are quoted in South African Rand (ZAR) and inclusive of 14% VAT.

Please note that Registration for the conference includes SASEE membership for the 2017-2019 period (2 years until the next conference).

 Item  Delegate type Early Bird
Until 27 April 2017
Until 27 May 2017
Full conference Delegates 4000 4500
Day Delegate Fee Delegates 1750 2000
Welcome Function (included in Full Registration) (included in Full Registration)
Welcome Function (additional tickets) R300 per person R300 per person
Dinner (included in Full Registration) (included in Full Registration)
Dinner (additional tickets) R420 per person R420 per person

How to Register

All participants are kindly requested to register in advance by completing and submitting the Online Registration Form and by paying the appropriate fees. Please note that the Registration Form is to be used to register one participant only. Online Registration is compulsory.

Please note all Registrants seeking accommodation will need to do so separately and this will produce two transactions. Please visit the Accommodation Booking page for more information.

Online Registration

Each participant registering online will receive an emailed Registration Review with your registration details and payment options. Included will be an invoice confirming the registration and amount payable. If you are unable to access the invoice please contact  as your registration may not have been successful.

To Register

Click here to link to the online registration system.


Once you have received your Registration Review, please print a copy thereof, and kindly make payment within 7 days of registration and send proof thereof to .

Bank Account details for EFT Payments.

South African Society for Engineering Education (SASEE)
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Neelsie Student Stellenbosch (250655)
Account number: 62366858135
Reference: Invoice number (Cxxx)

Failure to send proof of payment may result in your registration not being secured.


For your records you will be able to access your invoice online once you have registered. Should you not be able to do so, please contact the  immediately as your registration may not have been successful.

Kindly note this confirms receipt of your registration only. Your registration is only secured once we have received payment.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Delegates are advised of the No Refund Policy for all cancellations for this conference. Delegates who are no longer able to attend may organize for replacement by another, however all details regarding changes to registration must be received in writing and must be addressed to The Conference Secretariat, SASEE at 7 days prior to the commencement of conference.

Non-attendance of the delegate without any written notification for replacement with another will be treated as a cancellation and the replacement will not be admitted.


By registering, the attendee agrees, and acknowledges that he/she has no right to lodge damage claims against the organizers should the holding of the Conference be hindered or prevented by unexpected political or economic events or generally by force majeure, or should the non-appearance of speakers or other reasons necessitate programme changes.

Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

I acknowledge I have read and understood and accept the terms and conditions and am authorized
on behalf of the stated organization

Security Policy

SASEE2017 guarantees the safety of the information that you provide us. We have an advanced security system in place in order to protect your information.

SASEE2017 uses a Thawte Secure Server ID to enable secure transactions.

Secure Server IDs
Technically, Secure Server IDs, also known as digital certificates, bind an identity to a pair of electronic keys that can be used to encrypt and sign digital information. Secure Server IDs provide a complete security solution, assuring the identity of one or all parties involved in a transaction.

By using a Secure Server ID, we are able to conduct authenticated, encrypted on–line commerce. Our users visiting the site can submit credit card numbers or other personal information, with assurance that they are really doing business with us (and not an impostor) and that the information that they are sending to us can not be intercepted or decrypted by anyone other than the intended recipient.

How you know when the data mode is secure
Your browsers will automatically notify you when you move into a secure area. If you want to view our certificate you need to do the following:

Internet Explorer – You should see a gold padlock at the bottom of the window. Double–click on this to view the certificate information.

Netscape – You should see a gold key in the corner of the window. Double–click on this to view the certificate information

Privacy policy

SASEE2017 respects your privacy. This statement discloses the privacy practices for both our web site and email system.

We have designed SASEE2017 so that no personal identifying information is displayed online or is accessible to the general public. We do not sell or rent our customer information to any outside parties.

Described below is our privacy policy in these areas:

Sharing of Information
Updating Your Customer Information


During the SASEE2017 registration process, we ask you to provide us with contact information, such as name, billing address, postal address, email address, and telephone number. We use this information to verify your details and to process your registration.

Sharing of information

We do not sell, rent or share any customer information, except for transactions involving third parties. In such cases, we provide only the information required to complete the transaction. By contract, the third party is not permitted to sell, rent or share this information.

For advertising purposes, visitor and customer information is statistically aggregated and reported to advertisers. However, we do not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to personally identify you, such as your name, account, password, credit card number, or transaction history.


SASEE2017 uses software tags called “cookies” to identify customers when they visit our site. They help us customize our service to your needs. By understanding which areas of the site you visit, cookies allow us to present information that is of interest. The information we collect with cookies is not sold, rented or shared with any outside parties.

Delivery policy

Delivery is electronic via Email. Kindly note it is the attendee’s responsibility to ensure the correct email address is inserted when registering and to check for spam alerts and junk mail folders for said confirmations.

Correspondence & Enquiries

SASEE2017 Registration Secretariat
Int. Tel: +27 21 671 7670
Int. Fax: +27 21 671 7670/086 692 7220
Contact Person: Lesley Ferreira

Responsibility clause

The organising committee of the conference will endeavour, as far as possible, to ensure that your attendance at the conference will be comfortable and effective.

No responsibility can be accepted for any cancellations or changes for whatever reason, to the programmes, partial or total, without notice.

The submission of a registration form is indication of your acceptance of these.


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